• info@adverbum.lt

Ad Verbum

Patyrę darbuotojai profesionaliai paruošia dokumentus visoms muitinės procedūroms

Muitinio tikrinimo vieta įrengta šalia vieno iš didžiausiu Lietuvos automobilių turgaus. Tiesioginis įvažiavimas į muitinio tikrinimo vietą suteikia puikias galimybes automobilių pardavimo verslo atstovams greitai ir kokybiškai atlikti muitinės procedūras UAB “Ad Verbum” muitinės paslaugų skyriuje.

Imported goods storage terminal

UAB AD Verbum warehouses equipped with the modern cargo accounting system to ensure accurate movement of goods. Many years of experience with specialists inform clients about the load location, commodity balances and additional orders.

Exported goods storage terminal

One of the main cargo transportation and logistics parts of the process to ensure the proper protection of cargo, goods distribution and control. The main purpose of storage - take care of the maintenance and cargo of goods for export.

Transit goods storage terminal

Company warehouses equipped with a convenient location with good access. Cargo operations facilitates modern equipment and qualified staff who can serve very large flow of cargo. The storage areas equipped with ramps 15, has a modern ventilation and air control system supporting a specific production required temperature and ensures efficient temperature and humidity control.